Designwire Weekly Archive
March 20, 2012

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* A&D Working for the Greater Good
A look at the projects and initiatives of several companies who are pitching in to help those less fortunate.
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* NYC's Underground Park
Two visionaries discuss their goal of turning an abandoned trolley station into the LowLine park.
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* The Positivity Issue
See additional photos and content from the March issue of Interior Design .
More: http://email.InteriorDesign.net/cgi-bin7/DM/t/eBWic0udxBw0ex20Erhz0EU

* Changing the World Through Design
The non-profits working in the A&D space to make a difference. ( Photo: DIFFA Dining by Design NY 2011 )
More: http://email.InteriorDesign.net/cgi-bin7/DM/t/eBWic0udxBw0ex20Erh10EH

* 10 Questions With... Betty Wasserman
The designer gives us her take on futuristic fabrics, East-End style, and why a boutique hotel is in her future.
More: http://email.InteriorDesign.net/cgi-bin7/DM/t/eBWic0udxBw0ex20Erh20EI

* Bretford EDU 2.0
Education is Change. It's learning new things and exploring the unexplored. Today's students explore differently than in the past. They grew up looking at screens, not books. They use the Internet; they use digital devices and each other. The mode of learning is social, energized by technology. It's a big change.
More: http://email.InteriorDesign.net/cgi-bin7/DM/t/eBWic0udxBw0ex20Erh30EJ


EDU 2.0
Furniture Designed For Mobile Technology


* Bretford EDU 2.0
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Product Information

* Go-To Buyers Guide
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